Photogrammetry Excursion to France and Italy confirmed!

Don't miss out! SCAD has approved the 2023 Photogrammetry Excursion to the Cote d' Azur and Tuscany. Space is limited!


1/5/20231 min read

Our photogrammetry excursion to the Cote d'Azur and Tuscany has been approved! We will meet in Lacoste on June 5th and disband in Florence on June 20th. We will scan Roman tombs and aqueducts, Medieval churches, bridges, and graveyards, Templar fortresses, and Etruscan remains, along with rocks, roads, cliffs, etc. All scans will be shared with all participants, so everyone will return with a large collection of high quality scans to be used in your future Unreal fantasy worlds.

Applications open on January 16th and close February 15th. Space is limited to ONLY 12 students! Any questions, shoot me a mail at